"Advertising you pay for. PR you pray for."

Imagine the response when your company gets favorable publicity in a trade magazine, the newspaper, or on TV. Your phone will be ringing off the hook!

That's what In-Focus Communications can help you do. We have gained favorable publicity for clients on local and national TV and radio, as well as in newspapers, trade magazines, business journals, newsletters, internet sites, etc.

Print media in which we have helped place stories include: "The Washington Post", "The Atlanta Journal & Constitution", "The Atlanta Business Chronicle", "The London Times", educational journals and newsletters, as well as national sports magazines.

Media professionals often say, "If it wasn't on TV, it didn't happen." Our award winning TV news experience has helped companies get coverage on TV news, talk shows, and network programs such as CNN. We can even distribute a video news release via satellite to news departments around the U.S., or the world. It costs less than you might think. And we can track the results.

There are numerous ways to make your company newsworthy...If you are working with the PR professionals at In-Focus Communications.


  • 93% of CEOs say PR is good value
  • 92% of CEOs say that a chief executive's public image is "important" or "inextricably linked" to his or her company's reputation.
  • 77% of companies with over 1 billion in sales believe that a company's reputation is its most important asset
  • 66% of CEOs said PR is more important than advertising to increase revenues.
  • 66% of CEOs believe a company's reputation is more important than earnings

      * Source: "PR Week"